Levent Pinarci’s artistic practice confronts questions about/with digital technologies, othering and human-machine interactions. Pinarci critically examines the corporeal impact of new digital media and imagin
g technologies through a multimedia and performative engagement that documents and questions the relationships between queer bodies and virtuality as well as identities and languages.

pinarcilevent at gmail. com

Pinarci’s work has been presented and published in different contexts, with participations on exhibitions at EAC Les Halles (2020), Kunsthaus Aarau (2020), Kunstraum Baden (2015) and Helmhaus Zürich (2012), as well as sound designs for theatre projects at Burgtheater Wien (2017-2018).

2022 Atelierstipendium, Aargauer Kuratorium 
2020 Förderbeitrag Performance & Bildende Kunst, Aargauer Kuratorium
2020 Residency “Trial & Error”, Dampfzentrale Bern

2012 Vorkurs für Gestaltung Biel/Bienne
2013 Bachelor of Arts in Fine Arts, Hochschule der Künste Bern
2021 Master of Arts in Contemporary Arts Practice, Hochschule der Künste Bern

Performances / Exhibitions 
2024 “VIDEORAMA”, Krone Couronne, Biel/Bienne
2023 “Luna Lunga”, Éspace Libre, Biel/Bienne
2023 “Perform@” Festival, Kunstraum Aarau
2023 “All that we see or seem”, Kunstraum Bümpliz Nord
2022 “Slay, Pray, Display”, Galerie Duflon/Racz, Bern
2021 “The Other Story”, by İstanbul Bilgi University Center for Migration Research
2021 Diploma Show Pasquart, Biel/Bienne
2021 ACT Performance Festival, Basel
2020 Cantonale 20, EAC Les Halles Porrentruy
2020 Auswahl 20 Kunsthaus Aarau
2020 Sukitoa o Namau + Ex Levent, OOR Saloon, Zürich
2019 Winterschlaf Institut + Organtempel, Rote Fabrik Zürich
2019 Il Circolo del Frattempo, -OUS Zürich
2019 Rhizom Festival, Rote Fabrik Zürich
2019 Les Digitales, Bern
2019 Warà + Levent, Emotional Pulses: Chasing The Shadow, UMBO Zürich
2018 Refaire Le Monde, Helmhaus Zürich
2016 Greller Keller, Schlauchthaustheater Bern
2016 Fokus Sammlung: Erico Schommer & Levent Pinarci, Kunstraum Baden
2014 Tom Bola, Zug
2013 Talk To The Hand, Helmhaus Zürich
2013 Diplomausstellung Bachelor of Fine Arts, Kunsthaus Langenthal

Sound Design
2018 Burgtheater Wien (Koroduktion mit dem Deutschen Theater), Stück „Europa flieht nach Europa“
von Miroslava Svolikova, Regie: Franz Xaver Mayr
2017 Schauspielhaus Graz, Stück „Am Boden“ von Georg Brant
2017 Burgtheater Wien (Koproduktion mit dem Deutschen Theater), Stück „Kartonage“ von Yade Önder
2015 A Portrait about the great artist Olivier Mosset. Directed by Jesssie Fischer.

Music Releases
2022 Inverted Bloom via Daralan Records
2020 K-Set Unite, Rapdays Kochareal
2020 Compilation Make some Room, Club Culture CH
2019 KSH08 - VA - Sonic Path to Agitation . Kashev Tapes

2019 Winterschlaf Institut Fabrikzeitung Rote Fabrik 
2021 Amsler, Claudia/Pinarci, Levent (2021). Augmented Othering. Projektionsmapping als kulturelle Aneignung, in: Freiburger Zeitschrift für Geschlechterstudien (Nr. 27), peer-reviewed.